Thursday, November 11, 2010

Writing Topics

I am open to write about anything just not anything that has to do with history. They only reason why i do not like writing essays about anything in history is because i feel like i am writing the same thing over and over again and it gets pretty boring. I like the whole fact of think about what i am going to write about and just typing away whatever comes to mind. Not writing facts and things that are already writen down.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Sorry but I did not vote. I really do not care about all that stuff. The world is already messed up, just by replacing people now and then to do try to keep everything in order doesnt mean they will be able to fix everything. To me, it's not like voting will make everything all better. Who ever wins might mess up in the the long run anyways because of the fact that we are all human.